MVCDS连接 is an online platform that brings 莫米山谷乡村走读学校's alumni together for easy 搜索ing and connecting. It allows you to post jobs and internships and offer your support to the community if you are willing to help/mentor others.
  • Advance your career and professional interests with help from other alumni
  • Advise and mentor others in the Maumee Valley community
  • Expand your professional network (beyond just your class!)
  • 与MV校友保持联系
已经有个人资料了? 搬家或开始一份新工作? Be sure to update your MVCDS连接 profile. It is quick and easy, especially if your profile is connected to LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google.
没有要更新的配置文件? 今天加入200多名校友! Download the Graduway Community app to connect to MVCDS连接 at iTunes/App Store or Google Play.


  • 什么是MVCDS连接?

    MVCDS连接 is an online platform that brings Maumee Valley alumni together on a single network for easy 搜索ing and connecting. It allows alums to post jobs and internships and offer their support to the community if they are willing to help/mentor others.
  • 我如何连接mvcd?

    MVCDS连接 makes it easy to capitalize on the benefits of being part of the extended Maumee Valley’s network.
    • 目录: 寻找老朋友, make new connections—professional or personal—and network with other Maumee Valley alumni in similar (or different) fields.
    • 你的资料: Make updates to your contact and employment information when they change, and share updates with the rest of the Maumee Valley alumni network about projects you’re currently involved in.
    • 工作和机会: Find and share job openings and other opportunities such as internships.
    • 知识共享: Volunteer to be a mentor to other alumni or 搜索 for alumni who can help you with career advice and information.
    • 事件: Find out about Maumee Valley alumni events occurring near you!
    • 消息传递: Receive and send messages to other alumni through the platform, 通过电子邮件, 或者通过LinkedIn或Facebook.
    • 特殊利益集团: Follow or start a special interest page to bring together Maumee Valley alumni who have a common goal or interest.
  • 这只是另一个社交媒体渠道吗?

    No. MVCDS连接 does not replace our social media channels and, 事实上, it actually pulls Maumee Valley’s Facebook and Twitter feeds into the site. It’s different from social media because it enables you to find, 搜索, and connect with the Maumee Valley alumni network quickly and easily.
  • 什么校友是MVCDS的一部分?

    You’ll find the entire Maumee Valley alumni community at your fingertips—all alumni for whom we have an email address will be invited to join the site. If you know a Maumee Valley alum who is not active on MVCDS连接, 请鼓励他们加入这个网站!
  • 我怎样才能进入这个平台?

    For now, you can access it on your desktop, mobile, or download the app.
  • mvcd连接的安全性如何?

    The platform is a closed network accessible only by individuals pre-approved by the 校友 Relations Office. Please be aware that information you share will be viewable by everyone on the platform and Maumee Valley has no control over how members of the site may use the information.
  • 我该如何开始?

    注册在这里 by creating a username and password (we suggest registering through LinkedIn, 因为它是最快和最容易的。. Follow the step-by-step instructions to add the relevant information to your profile. If you happen to register with an email address that we do not have in our records, we will need to approve your request to join manually (which we will do, 请耐心等待!). 一旦你注册了, post a message to say hello and introduce yourself, 上传照片, 通过浏览找到你认识的人, and invite other alumni by using the ‘invite alumni’ arrow on the upper right-hand side of your screen.

    请电子邮件 if you can’t find your college or university listed so that we may add it to the list.
  • 我在注册时犯了一个错误. 我如何更新我的个人资料?

    Log into MVCDS连接 and click on profile and update your profile. If you still have questions, please contact us at 这样我们就能帮你排除故障.
  • 我无法登录. 帮助!

    If you’ve forgotten your password, use the ‘forgotten your password’ link to reset a new password. If you are sure you have the right username and password, then possibly you’ve changed the email address that the system is linked to. If you change your email address in your profile, it might affect your login details. 联系 寻求帮助.

    If you experience an error message, please email 获得即时援助.


  • 校友

莫米山谷乡村走读学校 is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.